All the Health and Movement information that you need
All the Health and Movement information that you need
The most common pieces of Small Apparatus are free weights, Weighted Bar, and the Magic Circle. Other Small Apparatus are the Sand Bag, Toe Exerciser, Foot Corrector, Breath-A-Cizer, and Neck Exerciser. 9 min View.
Investing in Pilates is investing in your health and longevity. There is a reason so many people get hooked. Pilates yields results and it feels amazing. That being said, any movement is better than no movement! 5 Min Read.
Classical Pilates is very much about technique and learning to work from the right muscles. This varies for each individual as each body has different strengths and weaknesses. I understand the financial reasoning for choosing group sessions versus Private Pilates classes. But it is important to invest in quality instruction and learn the correct technique to get the full benefits of Pilates. 5 Min Read.
Did you ever wonder why a Pilates class always follows the same sequence of moves? I think the Classical Mat and Reformer exercises have an order for a reason, one exercise preps you for the next, preps you for the next, etc. . 5 Min Read.
Pilates method goal is the conditioning of both body and mind to function at peak efficiency such that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 10 Min Read.
Everyone's posture is determined by their genetics, lifestyle, activity, and emotions..When you first look at changing your posture then you have to look at what posture type you fall into. Unfortunately, we never fall into just one type of posture as one can be the cause of another. Let us look at the four main posture types to give you an idea of which type you may fall into 15 Min Read.